Soursop is the fruit of the Anona Muricata, broad leaf flowering, evergreen tree. Anona is a flowering plant in the Pawpaw/ Sugar apple family. The exact origin is unknown but native to the tropical regions of Americas and Caribbean and is widely propagated. It is in the same Genus, Anona, as Cherimoya and  is in the family of Annonanaceae family. 

It is also known as Brazilian Pawpaw, and Custard Apple. In Ghana, it is called Sweet Apple or "Aluguntugui" in Ga language., Guyabano in Latin America. 

The Soursop tree is low branching and  bushy but slender because of its upturn limbs and reaches a height of 25 or 30 ft (7.5-9m). The fruit is more or less oval or heart-shaped, sometimes irregular, lopsided or curved due to improper carpet development or insect injury. The size ranges from 4 to 12 inch (10-30 cm) long and up to 10 or 15 Ibs (4.5-6.8kg). The fruit is compound and covered with reticulated, leathery-appearing but tender, inedible, bitter skin from which protrude few or many stubby, or more elongated and curved, soft, pliable "spines". 

Among the health benefits derived from the intake of Soursop include:

1. The juice of the ripe fruit is said to be diuretic and a remedy for haematuria and urethritis. 

2. Take when fasting, relieves liver ailments. 
3. Use in the management of Leprosy. 
4.  Pulverized immature fruit, which are very astringent are decocted as a dysentery remedy. 

5. To draw out Chinggers and speed healing, the flesh of an acid Soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days. 

6. It is high in Antioxidants. 
7. Helps stabilize blood sugar level. 
8. It can help fight bacteria. 
9. It reduces inflammation. 
10. It help in the management and treatment of Cancer. 

Enjoy for healthy life style. 

#HealthyFood WealthyLife

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