Healthy Eating - Avocado


AVOCADO (Persea Americana) is botanically a large berry containing a single large seed. It is a flowering plant belonging to the Lauraceae family whing originated from South-Central America and Mexico. The fruit is Avocado pear with a green skin, fleshy body that may have a pear shaped, egg shaped or spherical.
A group that also includes members such as Cinnamon and Laurel. There are dozens of varieties of avocado ranging in types, sizes, colours, and texture.
The types of avocado include.
Hass Avocado
Choquette Avocado
Bacon Avocado
Fuerte Avocado
Tonnage Avocado
Daily-11 Avocado
Macarthur Avocado
Shephard Avocado

Avocados are considered a "super food" and are rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Researchers have proven the following as the health benefits when avocado is included in our diets:

1. The oil provided by avocado include Oleic Acid and Linoleic Acid and are therefore recommended as part of a balanced diet to prevent High Cholesterol.
2. Avocado contains Omega 9 Fatty Acid that Boost Brain Health and Memory thereby improving Cognitive Function.
3. They are good source of healthy Monounsaturated  Fatty Acid and Carotenoid which together with Phytochemicals found becomes Anti-Cancer Potential.
4. It is rich in Vitamin C and E which help enhance Antioxidants properties  of the body.
5. Zeaxanthin and Lutein in Avocado reduces risk of  Cartilage Defects thereby strengthening bones.
6. It is a good source of Potassium which helps fight hypertension.
7. It improves Cadiovascular Health (Heart Disease).
8. Avocado Extract help relieve Symptoms of Arthritis
9. It control weight Loss.
10. It help prevent Food Poisoning
11. It is loaded with powerful Antioxidants that protect the Eye.
12. It contains Anti-aging  properties like Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
13. Their fat  help the body to absorb nutrients from plant foods.
14. Eating avocado can lower LDL cholesterol by 22 %, reduce Triglycerides level by 20% and increase HDL(the good) Cholesterol by 11%.

It is time to complete your diet with Avocado.

 #Stay Home
 #EAT Right

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