Healthy Food- Lemon


 CITRUS is a Genus of flowering  trees and shrubs in Rue family, Rutaceae. Plant in the Genus produce Citrus fruit including important crop such as Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruits, Clementine, Pomelos, Tangerines and Limes. The Citrus is a native to South Asia, East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, Melanesia and Australia.

LEMON is a specie of a small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family, Rutaceae. It's fruits are oval in shape.
The tree's ellipsoildal yellow fruit is used  for both culinary and none culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily with its juice which are also used in cleaning uses. The pulp and rind are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of lemon is about 5% to 6% Citric Acid, with a pH of around 2.2, giving it sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes a key ingredient by adding flavor in drinks and foods such as lemonade, Sauces, salads dressings, merinades, desserts and lemon meringue pie.
They are good sauce of Vitamin C, Antioxidants and other Chemical Compounds good the human body immune system.

Among the health benefits of consuming them include:
1. The Vitamin C and the Antioxidants boost the immune system thereby fighting against germs that causes flu, cold and RSV.
2. The Flavanoid in lemon helps lower the risk of Ischemic stroke in Women.
3 Antioxidants helps to prevent Radicals from causing cell damage that can lead to cancer.
4. Vitamin C maintains a healthy Skin Complexion by playing a vital role in the formation of collagen to support the system of the skin against sun exposure, pollution and other factors that can result in skin damage.
5. It contains potent active compounds that help to break down kidney stones before they have a chance to fully form. It also helps urinating more to excrete the kidney stone crystals.
6. High Potassium content in it improves digestion.
7. Restores Alkalinity.
8. The Citric Acid in it helps the body to burn excessive fat to control Weight and Obesity.
9. Increases Iron absorption in the body blood streams so easily.
10. Reduces the risk of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension.
11. Promote Oral Health by keeping fresh breath and preventing infection.
12. Prevent Asthma. Vitamin C benefits people with bronchial hypersensitivity when they have a common cold reducing asthmatic attacks.
13. Keep wound clean and sterile when used to clean wound because of its natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
14. Protect against Anaemia.
15. Great for Sore Throat.
Lemons are literally among the healthiest ingredients on the face of the earth. If you don't yet have plenty in your fridge at home, hopefully you will be changing that, now that you know how great they are.

 *#Stay Home
 *#Eat Right

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