Tuesday, April 14, 2020


PASTA is a type of food typically made from an unleavened dough of wheat flour mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or other shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking.

Rice flour or legumes such as beans or lentils, are sometimes used in place of wheat flour to yield a different taste and texture or as a gluten-free alternative.

Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine,
Nothing says Italy like it's food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta
Pasta is integrant part of Italy's food history.
Whenever Italians immigrated that have brought their Pasta along, so much so today it can be considered a staple of international cuisine.

Unlike other ubiquitous Italian products like Pizza and tomato sauce, which have a fairly  recent history, pasta may have a much older pedigree, going back hundreds  if not thousands of years. 

Unraveling the long and often complex history of this dish we have to look at its origins and some of the myths surrounding it
 There are approximately 350 different types of pasta around the world and about four times that of their many names which can be categorize into five (5) groups:
 1. Vermicelli/ Strand pasta (spaghetti and Angel hair)
 2. Tubular Pasta (macaroni)
3. Soup Pasta (orzo)
4. Stuffed Pasta ( tortellini)
5. Special Shaped Pasta ( farfalle  fusilli)
Cooks use different types, shapes and sizes of pasta for different purposed

Pasta as a culturally Italian food, it is likely the descendent of ancient Asian (China) noodles.In America, spaghetti was first served in the late 19th century at Italian restaurants, to immigrants who had grown accustomed to frequent spaghetti meals in their native country. From there, it was natural that the powerful appeal of spaghetti penetrated into America restaurants as well, and by the 20th century, it had become a staple.
With the introduction of canned pasta and tomato products, spaghetti's popularity soared, and is now one of most popular single dinner entres in the country

During the 14th and 15th  centuries, spaghetti became a mainstream feature of Italian cuisine, partly because it was easy to store and serve. At that time, Spaghetti and other forms of pasta were standard fare on sailing ships for the same reason- pasta kept very well for extended periods of time, and it had universal appeal.
The shipboard usefulness became an important point, as European ships began sailing to Africa and the New World, and as a result, pasta was one of the foods introduced to virtually every shoreline touched by the explorers.

Taking it according to it time line
First Century: First appearance of pasta was in a historical documents found in writings of Roman lyric poet Horace (Quintuce Hortuce Flaccid). He described cooks ability to create fine sheets of dough called lagana, which were fried and served as every day food.

Fifth (5th) Century: Recipe for lagana was found in many old cookbooks, with description of how to create layered food stuffed with meat. This food represented the ancestors to modern day lasagna.

Twelve (12th) Century: First historical record of spaghetti production in Sicily(Italy). This was recorded by famous Muslim historian Al-Idris, who served at the court of Sicilian King Roger II.

Fourteenth (14th ) Century: Production of pasta across Italy became common. This was caused by the ability of people to reliably store pasta product for a longer time periods.

Sixteenth (16th) Century: Pasta was present in all ships that sailed from Europe and reached the New World, explored South Africa and more.

Eighteenth (18th) Century:  Late 28th Century was very important in the history of pasta becay it was then that tomato was introduced and it juice invented.
1870: First modern writing of spaghetti and tomato juice were recorded in the cook book " L' Apicio Moderno" by Italian Chef Francesco Leonardi.

Nineteenth (19th) Century: Popular of Sicilian delicacy Spaghetti became well knowninentire Italy. Arrival of industries and pasta factory enabled it spread all across Mediterranean.

Twentieth (20th) Century: Spaghetti arrived in the United States, where they were initially served in an Italian restaurant s who were visited by European immigrants. American spaghetti started been served in their modern form, prepared with oregano or basil. Popularity of pasta soared in many other countries and has now become one of the world's most accessible foods.

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