Solanum Melongena as it is botanically known is a flowering plant specie with a purple egg- shape fruit of a tropical old world, which is eaten as vegetable.
It relates to Tomato and Potato in the Nightshade family. Although often considered a vegetable, it is a berry by botanical definition. 

It is called Egg plant in US, Australia, New Zealand and Anglo phone Canada, Aubergine in UK, Ireland and Quebec or Brinjal in South Asia and South America. Other names include : Melongena, Garden eggs and guniea squash.

There are many varieties that ranges in sizes, and colours. And while egg plants with deep purple skin are most common, they can be red, white, green or even black. Most commonly purple, spongy and absorbent fruit- vegetable use in several cuisines due to it capability to absorb oils and flavous into it flesh through cooking expands it use in the cooking art.

Raw aubergine is 92% Water, 6% Carbohydrates 1% Protein, 11% Mangnese and has negligible fat. Very low in calories, nutrients dense food, loaded with good amount of vitamins and minerals with a distinctive taste and sponge-like texture. It contains more Nicotine than any vegetable. Containing small amounts of other nutrients like niacin, magnesium and copper.

In addition to bringing, a unique texture and mild flavour to recipes, aubergine brings a host of potential benefits :

1. Have Cancer fighting properties ( Solasodine Rhamnosyl Glycosides) since it restricts the growth of new blood vessels whilst keeping the present blood vessels clear and relaxed. 

2. Regular consumption of aubergine is recommended as a natural way to manage type 2 diabetes.

3. The presence of phenolic compounds can actively reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol and help prevent the formation of blood clot.

4. The flavanoids found in aubergine reduce the risk of heart disease. 

5. Helps in weight loss management. 

6. It put blood sugar in check. 

7. High in antioxidants and molecules that helps the body to eliminate free radical. 

8. It helps in maintaining a good eye health. 

9. It boost cognitive or brain function. 

10. Juice made from the leaves and the roots of aubergine can be effective in the treatment of throat and stomach disorders, asthma, toothache, rheumatism and skin problems. 

They are incredibly versatile and fit well into many dishes whilst they are the commonest and cheap vegetables on the market. 

EAT them always. 

 #Eat right
 #Stay healthy
#Healthyfoods #Wealthy life

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