Tetrapleura tetraptera, as it is botanically known is a specie of a flowering plant in the Pea family. Aidan is a deciduous tree that sheds it leaves annually and grows approximately 20 to 25 meters in height. It bears flowers that are sort of cream and pink colour but tend to change to orange colour on maturity. The Aidan fruits hang out on stout stalk at the edges of the branches and they are characteristically brownish in colour. The frit (pod) measures about 15 to 25 cm long and is distinguished by its 4 longitudinal ridges that are slightly curved.

Aidan fruit is a native of West Africa. Predominantly, Nigeria and Ghana. It bears local names like Prekese in the Twi Akan Language of Ghana, Osakirisa or Oshosho of the Igbo language and Ubukirihu in Yuroba language all of Nigeria.

It is of a greatest wonder plants in the world with a strong and sweet aromatic fragrance which is used as an exotic spice, medicine and as a dietary supplement. The indigenous people at where the plant can be found used the fruit to prepare local Soups like pepper soup and palm nut soup.

The major constituents are tannins, flavonoids and starch. It also contains Antioxidants, antiflammatory properties, minerals and phytochemicals. It's back and leaves are also packed with medicinal agents. It is highly nutritious as it is packed with essential phytochemicals and nutrients that are essential for the body. It is also rich in iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, steroids and phenolic compounds.

With all these constituents, research has proven that when Aidan fruits are added to our day diets, the following health benefits are obtained:1. Immune system booster. 2. Treats Leprosy. 3. Protects one against cardiovascular diseases. 4. Acts as mosquito repellent. 5. Prevention of fever. 6. Has Antibacterial property. 7. Wound healing property. 8. Contraceptive properties because it contains saponin and ethanol extract. These properties releases a luteinizing hormone, which is said to serve as contraceptive. 9. Culinary purposes. 10. Management of Convulsions. Research shows that, the plant acqeous extract leads to anticonvulsant activities and affects the central nervous system positively. 11. Postpartum. 12. Prevention of fever. 13. Contains molluscicidal properties. 14. Dermatological care product because of the presence of antibacterial and antimicrobial agent. 15. Controls hypertension. 16. Treatment of Gastrointestinal diseases.. 
It has become an indispensable source of food and medicine. Let them feeture in your Soups. 

 #Eatright #Stayhealthy

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