Healthy Eating - Garlic

Let dive through and see what garlic has for us.
 GARLIC  is a species in the Onion Genus, Allium Family. It is close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive and Chinese onion. Garlic is a native to the Central Asia and Northeast Iran. It has long been a common seasoning worldwide with a history of several  thousands years of human consumption and uses. There are about 10 to 20 cloves in a single bulb.

Through out ancient history, the main use of garlic was for it health and medicinal properties.
It was in use when Giza Pyramids were built about 5000 years ago, hence, it was well documented by many Civilizations, including Egyptians, Babylonians, Greek, Roman's and Chinese.

Among the health benefits when it is consumed include:

1. Garlic contains Chemical compound like Allicin and Sulfur that offers immune Support to combat sicknesses like cold and flu.
2. It boost Heart health by improving cholesterol levels which may lower the risk of heart disease (cardiovascular disease).
3. It contains Antioxidants that help prevent Alzhemer's Diseases.
4. It consumption helps in Detoxification of heavy metals in the body.
5. It minimizes bone loss by increasing estrogen in females thereby improving on bone health.
6. It improves Athletic performance.
7. Prevent tooth decay.
8. It promote Longevity.
9. Control obesity.
10. Fight hair loss
11. It prevent the skin against Ultraviolet Ray's.
12. Prevent Cancer.
13. Fight premature Delivery in Women.
14. Acts as an Anti-inflammatory.
15. The anti- bacterial properties in fresh garlic can kill the bacteria that leads to food spoilage and food poisoning.
Garlic is found in every cuisine in the world. It adds a little Zing to food and it is a must-have for your health.

 #Stay Home
 #Eat Right
 #Healthyeating, Healthy life.

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